Turn Saving into Gaming in 2018

Whether we want to admit it or not, must of us have a competitive edge. In 2018, you can tap into that mindset to motivate yourself to save as much money as possible, through fun games and competitions, all in the spirit of having more money in your pocket.


“Free” Days

It is easy to spend a little here, a little there, and end up having spent way more than you intended by the end of the day. If you grab a morning coffee, do some quick shopping on your lunch break, and pick up dinner on your way home, you could have spent an easy $20 without even realizing it.

To combat this habit, finance writer David pioneered the idea of what he calls Zero Days and records the days where he spends absolutely no money. It sounds difficult, but it is very doable, with a bit of planning. If you do your grocery shopping and fill your gas tank on Sunday, you can brown-bag a lunch on Monday, skip any trips to the shop at lunchtime, and make dinner at home. For that day, you won’t have spent a single dollar!

Free days can test your patience if you forget about things, but after a while, they can be a fun game to build your savings. Once you’ve mastered having one free day a week, try to complete two days. Could you go for three? If you make it to four, that’s more than half a week that you aren’t spending any money!


Have a Home Cook-Off

As a whole, people eat out too often; in America, the average person spends more than $200 on pre-prepared meals each month. To save that money, turn your kitchen into the set of your favorite cooking competition show.

On one night, prepare your best dish for your partner, kids, or housemate. The next night, turn the tables and have him or her cook for you. It’s a way to take charge of your diet and your budget, as well as having fun learning some new recipes.

Bet whatever you like — dishes duty, grocery shopping responsibility, or taking out the trash to make it even more exciting. Whatever the bet, someone will definitely win bragging rights.


Up the Ante for Your Next Vacation

Everyone has a dream destination, a city they must see, but getting there can be difficult. This year, make saving for your well-deserved vacation a competition. Start saving early, and have everyone contribute up to a predetermined cut-off date. Whoever has donated or saved the most by that day gets to choose the destination — it’s up to you whether you allow complaining, compromising, or bargaining.


Not-So-Extreme Couponing

If you aren’t familiar with extreme couponing, popularized on an American television series, it is essentially saving as much money as possible while getting the most goods. Oftentimes it involves buying in bulk, but you can use the same sentiment in your own home, just on a smaller scale.

In a challenge between you and your partner, each person gets a shopping list. (It can be sequential weeks, so your cupboards don’t overflow!) Whoever saves the highest percentage on their haul earns — in addition to the bragging rights — the right to add anything they want to the next list or to choose the restaurant on your next night out.


What’s Next?

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Nick Massie: